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Module 3 Ch 10 Case study

ch 10

Q CLINICAL CASE REPORT Chapter 10 Running Problem: Meniere’s Disease 1) In which part of the brain is sensory information about equilibrium processed? 2) Subjective tinnitus occurs when an abnormality somewhere along the anatomical pathway for hearing causes the brain to perceive a sound that does not exist outside the auditory system. Starting from the ear canal, name the auditory structures in which problems may arise. 3. When a person with positional vertigo changes position, the displaced crystals float toward the semicircular canals. Why would this cause dizziness? 4. 4) Compare the symptoms of positional vertigo and Meniere’s disease. On the basis of Anant’s symptoms, which condition do you think he has?

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1. Facts: The major equilibrium pathways projects to the cerebellum . Some information is also processed in the cerebrum . Integration and Analysis: Not applicable .2.Facts: The middle ear consists of malleus , incus and stapes, bones that vibrates with sound .The hearing portion of the inner ear consists of hair cells in the fluid -filled cochlea. The cochlear (auditory ) nerve leads to the brain. Integration and Analysis: Subjective tinnitus could arise from a problem with any of the structures named. Abnormal bone growth can affect the middle ear bones. Excessive fluid accumulation in the inner ear will affect the hair cells . Neural defects may cause the cochlear nerve to fire spontaneously ,creating the perception of sound.